Useful Tips

Useful Tips

Eye Drops

  • The fingers should never touch the tip of eye dropper to avoid contamination.
  • To put the drop gently pull your lower eyelid down and avoid touching the eye, eyelashes, or anything else with the dropper tip.
  • The Eyes should be kept closed for around 30 seconds.
  • If prescribed more than one drop, wait for at least 5 minutes before putting a second drop.
  • Do not put eyedrops over contact lenses unless specifically advised.

Computer Use

  • The computer screen should be is at least 18 to 26 inches away from eyes.
  • Arrange the monitor so that the top line of on-screen text is at eye level.
  • Take frequent vision breaks to give rest to the eyes, closing eyes for few seconds every 10-15 minutes.
  • Remember to blink often to keep the eyes moist.

Regular Eye Examinations

  • All children between 3 -5 years of age should be screened for refractive errors ie spectacle power and amblyopia-lazy eye.
  • All myopes (people wearing minus spectacle power) should get their retina screened by indirect ophthalmoscopy under pupillary dilatation every 2 years to detect any peripheral break /degeneration.
  • All diabetics must undergo detailed eye checkup yearly to detect diabetic retinopathy early.
  • ALL individuals above 40 should undergo intraocular pressure measurement to detect Glaucoma specially if they have afamily history of Glaucoma.
  • All individuals above 50 years of age with decrease in vision should also be examined for Cataract & ARMD-age related macular degeneration

Detecting Eye Problems In Children

  • Look for constant eye rubbing , extreme light sensitivity.
  • Abnormal alignment or movement of the eyes (after 6 months of age).
  • A white pupil instead of black.
  • Inability to see objects at a distance / read blackboard
  • Sitting too close to the TV.
  • Squinting or crossed eyes.
  • Watering of eyes / frequent headaches

Eye Donation

  • Eye donation means that you can pledge for your eyes to be donated after death. The front mirror portion of eye called cornea is removed and transplanted on a living person’s eye.
  • One person can give sight to two corneal blind persons by donating eyes.
  • Eyes can be pledged during one’s lifetime but can be donated only after death.
  • Persons of any Age/Sex can donate their eyes.
  • Eyes should be donated preferably within SIX hours after the death. Local Eye Bank number-In Delhi:1919.
  • At the sight of death switchh off fans/keep air conditioner or cooler running and Place wet cotton with ice over the closed eyelids/ Raise head with a pillow.

Facts & Myths

Myth : Safety goggles are more trouble than they are worth.
Fact : Safety goggles prevent many potentially blinding injuries every year. Keep your goggles handy and use them

Myth : Using a computer screen is harmful to the eyes.
Fact : Although using a computer screen is associated with eyestrain or fatigue, it is not harmful to the eyes.

Myth : Using Computers / Poor diet leads to weak eyesight.
Fact : Weak Eyesightsight/ refractive error is a result of the size and curvature of eyes which has nothing to do with the diet or the usage of eye.

Myth : Children will outgrow “crossed” eyes.
Fact : Children do not outgrow truly crossed eyes. The sooner crossed or misaligned eyes and it’s cause are treated, the less likely the child will have permanently impaired vision.

Myth : If one starts using glasses, the number will stop increasing.
Fact : The increase in the number is related mainly to one’s age. The number normally increases upto 18yrs in women and 21yrs in men irrespective of usage of glasses.

Myth : A cataract must be “ripe” before it can be removed.
Fact : With modern cataract surgery, a cataract should not mature before it is removed. It can cause more complications than an immature cataract.


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